Dancing Frog Banner Art

Kite festivals are always a spectacular display of art in the sky. Kite makers often create art for the ground display, which takes the form of banners and wind gardens. We created two banners from the frog art we made in Bali:

These were so exciting for us, that we are making more ground art for display at festivals. Then Jennifer painted some new art for a new banner:

The 8 Auspicious symbols of Tibetan Buddhism

After making a banner of the 8 Auspicious symbols, Jennifer decided that she would make the symbols into a set of prayer flags to hang at kite festivals and other group gatherings. (View more of our Buddhist symbol art.)

Banner of Victory
symbolizing victory over ignorance
and death

Conch Shell
symbolizing the spoken word

Golden Fish
symbolizing spiritual liberation

Endless Knot
symbolizing the unity of all things,
and the illusory nature of time

Peony or Lotus
symbolizing purity

symbolizing the protection of the
Dharma (faith)

symbolizing hidden treasures

Dharma Wheel (or chakra)
representing the unity of all things